Our certifications guarantee us

Our Quality Certificates

Arde Pellet has the 4 most important certifications worldwide, two of these certifications correspond to quality seals and the other two certifications correspond to sustainability and the environment.

logoEnPlus logoDinPlus logoFSC logoPEFC logoEcoDisenno


What is the ENplus certification?

It is a leading, transparent, and independent certification system for wood pellets. From production to delivery, we guarantee quality and fight fraud throughout the entire supply chain. You have more information in

this video from Avebiom Biomass Association

What does ENplus certify?

If ENplus has become synonymous with quality in less than a decade, it is largely due to its broad reach spanning the entire wood pellet supply chain. From the first stage of production to the delivery process, we ensure that all actors have detailed guidelines, efficient supervision procedures, and specialized training at their disposal to ensure high and consistent quality levels.

Quality Standard

Of course, the pellets themselves must also meet a series of technical specifications in addition to length and diameter, mechanical durability, percentage of fines, apparent density, humidity and ashes are also analyzed. All this to guarantee that the pellet devices work in the best possible way without any type of inconvenience and achieving the highest efficiency.

What does DINplus certify?

As manufacturers of high-quality products, we are faced with the problem of how we can credibly communicate the higher quality of our products when competing with lower-priced suppliers. Our DIN plus certification for wood pellets, in line with international standards, allows us to stand out from the competition and provide proof that our wood pellets are of consistently high quality. The DIN plus quality mark strengthens the trust of our customers, enabling you to meet the growing demand for certified wood pellets and thus improve our market position. With the DIN plus markings, users and consumers know that they are on the safe side.

Quality Standard

The DIN CERTCO certifications under the DIN mark make the difference evident.

What is the FSC CERTIFICATE used for?

This independent, non-governmental, and non-profit organization can finally guarantee the consumer that forest products that have the FSC certificate come from forests in which good practices are ensured when using them according to the minimum levels of good management.

Why Choose FSC Products?

Using FSC-certified products means responsibly managed forests, more forests saved from overexploitation, less wood from illegal logging, more forests where the rights of local populations and workers are respected, and more forests where the conservation of Biodiversity is a priority.

What is PEFC?

PEFC is the most established forest certification system in the world.

Products of forest origin (wood, paper, cork, mushrooms, resins, essences...) certified by PEFC guarantee consumers that they are buying products from sustainably managed forests.

By choosing PEFC, buyers can help combat illegal logging and promote the major roles played by forest resources.

  • Contribute to the maintenance of numerous ecosystems and biological diversity.
  • To be the economic support of many rural populations and the origin of a very important transformation industry.
  • Have an increasingly recognized social and cultural role.

Environmental commitment is one of the challenges of our company. For this reason, Stand Pellet strives to be part of the solution to global challenges such as climate change. We have opted for the use of recycled plastic, carrying out an ECODESIGN for the elaboration of our 15 kg bag, based on three basic pillars:

  • Make our bag more sustainable, without modifying its characteristics.
  • Make a bag taking into account sustainability criteria, without altering the characteristics of the product.
  • Minimize the amount of virgin plastic used.

By recycling we prevent products and materials from becoming waste, transforming them into completely new ones, extending their useful life, and helping to preserve the planet's natural resources. If we use recycled products, energy consumption decreases. This translates into fewer CO2 emissions into the atmosphere. "Each kilo of recycled plastic means that 1.5 kg of CO2 is no longer expelled"